2nd Wednesday Match — July 8th, 2020

Would you believe we had all seven shooters shoot clean today. I wouldn’t believe it either but Bingo Montana managed as the only one to do so. Great day great match with great people. results attached.
Thanks for all the hard work.
Major BSW

Hello all you girls, boys and gender neutral shooters. The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their second Wednesday match this Wednesday July 8th. Gates open at 10 with first shot at 12 noon. Hope you can make it. There will be some interesting stages that day supplied by Mr. Ripsaw. Stages attached.
See you on Wednesday
Major BSW

2nd Wednesday Match — July 8th, 2020 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — July 5th, 2020

Happy 4th of July everyone
Just because it was hot and humid it didn’t take away from the fun and frolic we all shared being together today. Glad you all  could attend. Special thanks to Smackwater for not only writing the match for today but also for handling the cooking choirs afterwards. Mr. Dough Boy shot his first Cavalier match and we hope to see him again. We could only sweat out two clean all day shooters with the heat and that was Mr. Potter County Kid and some BS fellow. Thanks to everyone for all the help with the match.
Results attached:
Your Pard: Major BSW

Hello Everyone
Many of you are going to the Father Time Match this weekend and I wish you the best of luck at that match. For those of you that aren’t going, the Cavalier Cowboys will be having their first Sunday of the month match on Sunday July 5th starting at 10:00. Please try to wear red , white and blue if possible in some form to celebrate the holiday. Speaking of celebrating the holiday, after the match the Cavalier Cowboys will be cooking on the grill for all who participated free of charge, but with social distancing. I would like you to RSVP me by Thursday, text at 804-307-2980 or email at majorbswalker@gmail.com so we can get a more accurate idea of the amount of food we will need. Stages are attached.
Thanks: Major BSW 

1st Sunday Match — July 5th, 2020 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — June 10th, 2020

Hello everyone, looks like canopies and fans will be the norm. Despite the heat we had a good turn out but the heat keep us from having a single C.A.D. Shooter. Also a big hello to Sam Sackett and Fat Back Frank, two new shooters on the horizon.
Thanks for all the help:
Major BSW

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting a match this Wednesday. Gates open at 10:00 with first round down range at 12 noon.
Hope you can attend.
Thanks: MBSW

2nd Wednesday Match — June 10th, 2020 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — June 7th, 2020

Hello everyone
The Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club will observe the new Phase 2 order starting Friday. No more RSVP for matches because we may gather up to 50 person groups. Distancing, sanitation,  etc. will still need to be the norm. Tell your friends they are welcome to visit and watch a match at any time. We will be also holding our 2nd Wednesday match June 10th three days after Sunday’s match on June.7th. I will send out the stages for Wednesday’s match this weekend along with some other news.
Thanks: MBSW.

Hello Boys and Girls
I don’t know if you remember me but my name is Major BS Walker and I am inviting you to our Regular 1st Sunday of the month match this Sunday June 7, 2020 at the Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club. There will be a few changes because of the revised range rules at this time. We are limited to two posse’s of ten people each and the count does include spectators so at this time it is better to tell your friends they can observe on a later date. We will not have the cowboy social either.😟 These restrictions should be gone once we go to phase 2. Also please bring your own water to lessen contact. Since we are limited to the total number of participants, I ask at this time to RSVP me that you are coming by e-mailing me at majorbswalker@gmail.com or text me at 804-307-2980 as soon as possible to let me know that you are coming. This will be a first call first come match. Please, I don’t want anyone to drive all the way here and have to be turned away. This all sucks, but the Cavalier range rules prevail. Attached are the stages for Sunday the 7th.
Thanks: Major BSW

1st Sunday Match — June 7th, 2020 Read More »

2nd Wednesday — March 11th, 2020

Hello Everyone
What a lovely day to shoot a match. We had nine shooters enjoying the great weather but unfortunately we couldn’t muster up one clean shooter. I guess no one is used to shooting yet without shivering a little. A special shout out to Black Jack Bill who shot with us today and also a big thanks to Mrs. Dude who kept score.
Thanks Yawl for all the help:
Major BS Walker 

Hello Everyone
The Cavalier Cowboys will be starting up the second Wednesday matches this Wednesday March 11th. Gates open at 10:00 with first shot down range at high noon.Hope you can make it to shoot these fun stages. Stages attached from Mr. Ripsaw.
Thank you all:
Major Walker

2nd Wednesday — March 11th, 2020 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — March 1st, 2020

Hello Fellow Shooting Enthusiasts
This Sunday is March 1st so it’s time for the Cavalier Cowboys monthly match. Normal time start at 10 am. It’s going to be a little chilly so dress warm. Setup for the match will be Saturday at 3:30 if you can help out. Will be a good chance to get some practice in for the Gathering.
Hope to see everyone.
Major BSW
PS – This is the beginning of March so we will resume the second Wednesday match on Wednesday, March 11th

1st Sunday Match — March 1st, 2020 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — February 2nd, 2020

Hello Cowboys and Cowgirls
We might of had warmer temps today but we also had stronger winds so it felt cold all day. That didn’t deter a bunch of cowpokes from slinging some lead down range though. Congrats to Bingo Montana, Kuba Kid & Ripsaw for being our clean shooters and Ripsaw being our top shooter today. Well he did write the match. I would also like to shout out to Rapidan River Rat that shot his first ever Cowboy match today at Cavalier and did a great job under all that pressure. Just to let everyone know that wasn’t around, I was there today but did nothing but post scores on two different other scoring systems. Now I know how little I have to do with everyone else’s help. Don’t forget to sign up for the Gathering on the Mattaponi and while your at it please send in your registrations to the Gunfight at the Double-C.
Enjoy :
Major BS

Howdy Boys & Girls
Just a reminder that the match Sunday will be over well before the Super Bowl kick off. It will also be a good time to bring your registration to the Gunfight at the Double-C and save yourself a stamp. I will be there as an onlooker. Setup will be Saturday at 3:30 if you can help.
Thanks: MBSW

Hello Everyone
This Sunday is the Super Bowl. The pre game show’s starts at 12 noon and kickoff isn’t until 6:30. That’s wright 6:30. Who would you want to spend all day listening to predictions of who’s going to win when you can be a winner yourself. The Cavalier Cowboys are having their 1st Sunday of the month Super Bowl match. Match starts at 10:00 and is always over, torn down and put away before 3:00. We even have time to eat Mexican and then be home in time to watch the game. Sounds like a good plan to me. Stages were written by Mr. Ripsaw.
See you Sunday
Major BS Walker

1st Sunday Match — February 2nd, 2020 Read More »

2020 Match Writing Schedule

JAN.  5   –   Smackwater
FEB.  2   –   Ripsaw
MAR. 1   –   BS
APR.  5   –   Smackwater
APR. 25-26  BS
MAY   3   –   Ripsaw
JUN.   7   –   BS
JULY  5   –   Smackwater
AUG.  2   –   BS
SEPT. 6   –   Ripsaw
OCT.   4   –   Smackwater
NOV.   1   –   Ripsaw
DEC.   6   –   BS

2020 Match Writing Schedule Read More »

1st Sunday Match — January 05th, 2020

Hello Everyone
A little on the cold side today but now everyone is at home warm and cozy. I would like to welcome our future new shooter to the posse who watched his first match today Todd Wright who now has the CAS alias Rapidan River Rat. Hope you enjoyed yourself. We had five clean shooters today which is a far cry better than our last match where we had none. Our clean shooters to start off 2020 are Bingo Montana, Enid City Kid, Kuba Kid, One Eyed Jane and myself. Want to thank everyone for all their hard work to hold this match. With people like you, I know that 2020 will be the best year ever.
Thanks Again:
Major BS Walker

Hello Boys & Girls, Men & Women or anything in between
The Cavalier Cowboys are inviting you to their first match of 2020. Our regular first Sunday of the month match will be held this Sunday Jan. 5th. Safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10:00. Since we had to cancel Decembers match, we will shoot our Christmas stages at this time written by Smackwater. Hope you can make this match. Setup will be Saturday at 3:30 if you help it will put you on Santa’s good list.
Thanks Pards:
Major BSW

1st Sunday Match — January 05th, 2020 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — December 1st, 2019

Hello Everyone
The Cavalier Cowboys will be having their regular first Sunday of the month match this Sunday which is Dec.1st. Safety briefing at 9:45 with first shot at 10:00. That is just 3 days after Thanksgiving so I know some of you will be away. For that reason we will only shoot in one bay. That will also help with the heaters and the fire barrel. Smackwater has written a fun match for our Cavalier Christmas. Setup will be Saturday at 3:30 if you would like to help out. (Note) Just a reminder that with Sunday being the 1st, then the hole months shooting schedule will be flip flopped. If the weather turns out to bad than a follow up email will be sent. Stages attached.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ‘YALL’
Major BS Walker

1st Sunday Match — December 1st, 2019 Read More »