1st Sunday Match – July 3rd 2022

Hello All

Was a nice day for shooting weather wise with the pop-up’s and the fans going. Was a nice day for shooting people wise with such a hard working and happy crowd.Great to see how many showed off their Hawaiian Cowboy Spirit and thanks to all that chipped in on supplying all the vittles afterwards. We did have four Clean All Day Shooters out of nineteen trying desperately to do so. The four lucky ones were the dynamic duo of Miss One Eyed Jane and Prairie City Slim, also Enid City Kid and that Major BS fellow.
Don’t forget to send in your State Registrations. It will be here sooner than you think
Thanks Again
Your Pard
Major BS Walker

Overall Winners by Time – Sunday 7/3/2022

Hello everyone in Cowboyville

This Sunday,July 3rd the Cavalier Cowboys will be hosting their monthly match. As usual, gates open at 8:30 with first shots down range at 10:00. What’s not usual is this will be our Cowboy Casual Summer Hawaiian Shirt Match. Like your ugliest Christmas tie, please sport your brightest Hawaiian or festive shirt. After the match to celebrate your company, we will be cooking on the grill. Bringing a cover dish to share would be appreciated but not required.
If you do wish to add something then just email or call me so we don’t end up with four bowls of pork-n- beans creating a Blazing Saddles campfire moment. Stages attached provided by Mr. Smackwater.
See you on Sunday:
Major BS Walker

Match Stages – Sunday July 3rd

1st Sunday Match – July 3rd 2022 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – June 8th – Starting at 11am!

Well you got your stuff put up from today but don’t put it away because we shoot a match this Wednesday. This Wednesday is our second Wednesday of the month match at Cavalier. Gates open at 9:00 with first shot down range at 11:00. Wednesday’s antics are provided by Mr. Cockroach.

Y’all come on back now you hear
Major BS Walker

2nd Wednesday Match – June 8th – Starting at 11am! Read More »

1st Sunday Match – June 5th 2022

Hello Fellow Cow Persons

As of this email results, the Cavalier crew has logged in another Sunday monthly match. Full of hopes and dreams, crashes and burns we all truly enjoyed ourselves with good stage writing and great people. Everyone’s help is always appreciated,thank you. As for thank you’s, thank you Tree Doc Red, Bingo Montana, Capt. R Hugh Kidnme and One Eyed Jane for shooting the match clean all day and a shout out to Ripsaw for being our top overall shooter. Don’t forget about registering for the Virginia State Match held here for the first time at Cavalier and it’s not too late to sign up for the Virginia State BlackPowder match at West Point. Today’s results are attached.
Major BS Walker

Hello Everyone in Cowboyville

The Cavalier crew is hosting their first Sunday of the month match this Sunday June 5th. Gates open at 8:30, Safety meeting at 9:45 with first shot down range at 10:00. Attached stages for the shindig are provided by Mr. Bingo. Come on out and enjoy yourself. Setup will be on Saturday at 4:00 if you are free.
See You Sunday and Thanks Again,
Major BS Walker
Reminder!  Speed limit on Boondock Lane is 10 MPH!

1st Sunday Match – June 5th 2022 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – May 11th – Starting at 11AM!

Hello Fellow Lead Slingers

Another second Wednesday Match is in  the history books with this send out of the results. Great weather day with great friends and great stages. We even broke in some new targets today that worked great. Speaking of working great, thanks gang for all your hard work. We managed 3 CAD shooters today, Captain R Hugh Kidnme, Mr. Lefty Spurmaker and that BS fellow. No Cockroach, you did not shoot clean today. Results attached.
Don’t forget and please support Thunder in the Brush, KC’s two day championship match and the Smoke on the Mattaponi, the Virginia State Black Powder Championship.
Thanks Again:
Major BS Walker

Hello Everyone in Cowboyville

The Cavalier Cowboys are back at it again with their second Wednesday match this Wednesday, May 11, 2022. Gates open at 9:00 with first shot down range at 11:00. Weather calls for sunny, 70 with 0 % chance of rain. Attached stages assembled by Mr. Ripsaw.
Come on out and have some fun.
Major BSW
Reminder!  Speed limit on Boondock Lane is 10 MPH!
10 MPH!

2nd Wednesday Match – May 11th – Starting at 11AM! Read More »

1st Sunday Match – May 1st 2022

Hello Cowboy Persons of Interest

First off the weatherman lied, not a drop of rain which was a good thing. A great day for shooting and just plain having fun. Our buckaroo’s were back today blazing their 22’s and momma even joined in. Congrads to Dakota Rambler for his top overall performance today and to Prairie City Slim for being our only clean all day shooter. Today was also Miss. Jane’s last match as a Grand Dame because tomorrow she becomes a Cattle Baroness. Happy Birthday. Thank you all for working hard to make this match possible. There aren’t enough words to express how much you are all appreciated.
Thanks Again:
Major BS Walker

Overall Winners by Time – Sunday 5/1/2022

Hello Fellow Lead Slingers

This Sunday is May 1st so our first Sunday of the month match is on. Gates open at 8:30, mandatory safety meeting at 9:45 with first shot down range at 10:00. We will have a Cowboy Social after the match. Attached antics for the match are provided by Mr. Smackwater.
Boondock Lane is now tar and graveled all the way to the gate but the speed limit is still 10 MPH maximum. Please observe the speed limit.
Boondock Lane 10 MPH!
See you on Sunday
Major BS Walker

1st Sunday Match – May 1st 2022 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – April 13th – Starting at 11AM!

Hello Cowpokes

Well, we actually had to contend with sweating today. What a change from just this past weekend. We were all privileged today to have momma and papa Stith  join us with their sons to shoot their first ever Cowboy match. Two Buckaroos joined the ranks today, Dirt Shooter and Benie the Kid with their 22’s pistols and rifle blazing. With the help of some low noise, low recoil 12gauge shells they both handled that equally as well. These two youngsters handled themselves as true young gentlemen. The smiles on these youths’ faces are priceless. Parents will be joining the sport shortly.  We even shot the motorized star and the boys knocked most plates off with the 22 rifles. Thanks to everyone for their assistance with everything today and mentoring the boys.
Your Pard:
Major BS walker

UPDATE: 4/12/2022

Hello Gang

The road is tar and graveled all the way to the entrance gate. The match tomorrow is on. Gates open around 9:30 with first shot down range at 11:00.
Note: The Cavalier Badges are in so I will have them with me at each match the rest of the month so if you are not shooting then just let me know and I can mail it to you.
Major BSW

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Wednesday, April 13, Gates open around 9:30 with first shot down range at 11:00. Note, Cavalier is paving Boondock Lane starting on Monday and is supposed to finish on Tuesday. I will go to the range on Tuesday evening and make sure they are finished. If they haven’t finished on Tuesday then we might have to cancel the match for lack of access. I will post again either way early Tuesday night. Stages provided by Mr. Montana.

PS. We will be shooting the motorized star on stage six.
Your Pard:
Major BSW

Match Stages – Wednesday 4/12/20222

2nd Wednesday Match – April 13th – Starting at 11AM! Read More »

1st Sunday Match – April 3rd 2022

Hello Folks

Another match is archived in the history books. Just an all around nice day to shoot. It was great to see Fury Pete today when he stopped by to say hi. Although we had plenty of sunshine, we only had  one CAD shooter and that was me. Thank you everyone for all your help with today’s match and suggestions on the upcoming State Match.
Hugs for the women , handshakes for the men and beer for the horses.  Results attached.
Major BS Walker

Overall Winners by Time – Sunday 4/3/2022 – Corrected

Howdy there Cowpokes

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Sunday April 3rd, 2022. Gates open at 8:30 with first shot down range at 10:00. Plan of attack for this Sunday is provided by Mr. Ripsaw. Come and try out our new target toy. Setup for the match will be on Saturday beginning at 4:00 so please help if you can. Stages attached.
Your Pard:
Major BSW

1st Sunday Match – April 3rd 2022 Read More »

Wednesday’s Match is Back! – CANCELLED Due to Weather!

Sorry folk’s but the rain just won’t leave soon enough so will have to cancel.

Major BSW

The title says it all. This Wednesday March 9th, Cavalier starts back shooting their second Wednesday of the month matches. Gates open at 9:30 with first shot down range at 11:00.

The problem for this event is that the weather guessers are calling for a 99% chance of rain. Keeping my fingers crossed that something will change by tomorrow and will update tomorrow.
M BS Walker

Wednesday’s Match is Back! – CANCELLED Due to Weather! Read More »

1st Sunday Match – March 6th 2022

Hello Everyone

Hope you all had a good time today despite the wind. I don’t think the wind was blowing enough of everyone’s bullets off target but maybe it blew more of some would of been a miss bullets back onto a target because we had six CAD shooters. Ripsaw, Bingo Montana, Sassy Shooting Sours, Kuba Kid, Prairie City Slim and One Eyed Jane all got that honor. Mr Ripsaw pulled off another overall victory. Congrads to all of today’s winners.  Results attached.
Thanks for all the help today
Major BS Walker

Hello Cowboys and Cowgirls

The Cavalier Cowboys are hosting their 1st Sunday of the month match this Sunday March 6th. Gates open at 8:30 with first shot down range at 10:00. It’s actually supposed to be over 70 on Sunday, Taaa Daaa! Stages are attached provided by Mr. Bingo. Setup will start on Saturday at 4:00 if you would like to help.
See You Sunday:
Major BS Walker

1st Sunday Match – March 6th 2022 Read More »