4th of July Cowboy Potluck Cookout on Sunday July 6th, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding a 4th of July Cowboy Potluck Cookout after the match on Sunday July 6th, 2014 and everyone is invited to join us in the festivities.

The Cavalier Cowboys will be providing hamburgers, hot dogs and all the fixings. We ask that everyone else bring a “potluck” dish of some variety. In order to have the correct amount of food, we are asking that everyone who is going to attend RSVP by June 27th with the number of people and what dish you are bringing. We will update the web site with what dishes people have RSVP’d, you can check the web site to see what people have already signed up for. The “dishes” can be anything that you think others would enjoy, side dishes, deserts, etc. etc.

We will be sending out the stages on our normal schedule, but wanted to get this RSVP request out early.

We will be holding the cookout in the picnic/camping area of the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club therefore after the match and after all guns and ammunition have been packed away in vehicles, you may bring along and enjoy your favorite beverages. We have some picnic tables available but you may want to bring along a folding camp chair to relax in.

So, please RSVP by June 27th with the number of people and your potluck dish of choice.

Safe Travels,



Latest Menu:

Hot Dogs & all the fixings
Hamburgers & all the fixings
Deviled Eggs
Cowboy Beans
Chips / Dip
Apple Pie
Scalped Potatoes
Baked Beans
Pork Butt/Shoulder


4th of July Cowboy Potluck Cookout on Sunday July 6th, 2014 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — June 11th, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys had a fun day of cowboy action shooting today. We had tents setup for shade and the fans running on high and the temperature was very comfortable. We had two special guests with us today, Rio Drifter and Tennessee Tall, two cowboy shooters out of Florida who have set a goal of shooting a cowboy match in all 50 states. They have already completed a large section of the country and selected us as their Virginia match. As an testament to “it’s a small world” Cockroach has shot with them before in NC several years ago and I was on the same posse with them a the TX Comin’ At Cha regional a couple of years ago.

The scores are attached in PDF format. Congratulations to Rio Drifter as the Top Overall Shooter.


Safe Travels,



Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their 2nd Wednesday match, this coming Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 at the Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club.

The gates will be open from 10:00 till 11:30, registration is from 10:30 till 11:30, mandatory safety meeting at 11:45 and the match begins at 12:00 Noon. The costs is $15.00 for non members, $25.00 for couples, $10.00 for members and shooters 18 and under shoot free. Additional information is available on our web site at www.cavaliercowboys.org

The stages have been written by Cockroach and are attached in PDF format.

Cavalier Match.06.11.14.pdf

Safe Travels,


2nd Wednesday Match — June 11th, 2014 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – June 1st, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys would like to thank all the cowboys and cowgirls who joined us today for our match, it was a great day of shooting with our pards.

You may have noticed that when the stages were sent out on Tuesday before the match, they did not contain a story line nor starting lines, well that was because we had something special planned and wanted to make it a surprise. Today is Sassy Shooting Sours 60th birthday and her first time shooting in the senior category. We had the reading of a special story line, written in her honor, presented her with a birthday cake, we had the bays decorated for the occasion and sang her Happy Birthday. For those of you who were not able to make the match today, the stages are attached, complete with the story line we used today at the match.

Sassy Birthday Cake 1

Sassy asked that I pass along this message from her: “THANK YOU to everyone, especially the “Cavalier Cowboys” for making today very special.  Think age caught up to me today!  Sassy”.

The scores from today are attached in both PDF and MS Excel formats. Congratulations to Virginia Rifleman and Prairie City Slim as our two Clean All Day Shooters. Congratulations to Cody Maverick as our Top Overall Shooter.

CAVALIER COWBOYS results 6-1-2014.xlsm
CAVALIER COWBOYS results 6-1-2014.pdf

Safe Travels,



Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Sunday, June 1st, 2014 at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club. The gates will be open from 8:00 till 9:30, registration will run from 8:30 till 9:30, mandatory safety meeting at 9:45 and the match itself begins at 10:00 am. The costs is $15.00 for non members, $25.00 for couples, $10.00 for members of CR&PC and as always shooters 18 and under shoot free.

The stages have been written by myself and are attached in MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday June 01st 2014.docx
Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday June 01st 2014.pdf

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – June 1st, 2014 Read More »

2nd Wednesday – May 14th, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The weather was perfect and the shooting was great fun as the Cavalier Cowboys shot their 2nd Wednesday match yesterday.

Congratulations to Justice Jack as the Top Overall Shooter!! The scores are attached in PDF format.


Safe Travels,



Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their 2nd Wednesday match, this coming Wednesday, May 14th, 2014 at the Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club.

The gates will be open from 10:00 till 11:30, registration is from 10:30 till 11:30, mandatory safety meeting at 11:45 and the match begins at 12:00 Noon. The costs is $15.00 for non members, $25.00 for couples, $10.00 for members and shooters 18 and under shoot free.

The stages have been written by Cockroach and are attached in PDF format.

Cavalier Match.05.14.14.pdf

Safe Travels,


2nd Wednesday – May 14th, 2014 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – May 4th, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

Congratulations to Judge NO Hart as the Top Overall Shooter today at Cavalier Cowboys. Also congratulations to Enid City Kid, Virginia Rifleman and Prairie City Slim as our Clean All Day shooters.

The scores are attached below in PDF and MS Excel formats.

Cavalier Cowboys – Scores – Sunday May 04 2014.xlsm
Cavalier Cowboys – Scores – Sunday May 04 2014.pdf

Thanks to all the cowboys who came out too shoot with us today.

Safe Travels,



Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Sunday, May 4th, 2014 at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club. The gate will be open 8:00 till 9:30, registration will run from 8:30 till 9:30, mandatory safety meeting at 9:45 and the match begins at 10:00. The costs is $15.00 for non members, $25.00 for couples, $10.00 for members of CR&PC and shooters 18 and under shoot free.

The stages have been written by myself and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats. We will be shooting straight through without a lunch break but will accommodate anyone who needs to grab a bite during the match. We will be shooting in both the left and right side bays and starting on the left side.  There will be a Texas Star used on one stage, we have adjusted it so that any reasonable rifle load should take off the plates.

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday May 04th 2014.docx
Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday May 04th 2014.pdf

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – May 4th, 2014 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – April 9th, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

Please find attached the scores from the Cavalier Cowboys Match on Wednesday, April 9th, 2014.

Congratulations to BS Walker as the Top Overall Shooter.

Cavalier Cowboys – Match Scores – Wed 2014-04-09.pdf
Cavalier Cowboys – Match Scores – Wed 2014-04-09.xlsm

Safe Travels,



Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their 2nd Wednesday match, this coming Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 at the Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club.

The gates will be open from 10:00 till 11:30, registration is from 10:30 till 11:30, mandatory safety meeting at 11:45 and the match begins at 12:00 Noon. The costs is $15.00 for non members, $25.00 for couples, $10.00 for members and shooters 18 and under shoot free.

The stages have been written by Cockroach and are attached in PDF format.

Cavalier Match.04.09.14.pdf

Safe Travels,


2nd Wednesday Match – April 9th, 2014 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – April 6th, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

Please find attached the scores from today’s Cavalier Cowboys Match in both MS Excel and PDF formats.

CAVALIER COWBOYS results 4-6-2014.pdf
CAVALIER COWBOYS results 4-6-2014.xlsm

Congratulations to Sassy Shooting Sours as both our Top Overall Shooter and our only Clean All Day Shooter !!!

Well, you know the phrase, “Now I have seen everything”, well now I have seen everything because Deringer Dan honored his bet with Mustang Shelby from last month and shot this month wearing a dress. So, congratulations to Deringer Dan, or maybe we should shorten that to DD Dan (Double DD’s Dan) for being our Top Lady 49er Shooter !!!! There is a picture attached for those of you who missed a great day of cowboy action shooting. If you check our web site in the next several days, who knows there may even be some videos of this match.

Safe Travels,



Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Sunday, April 6th, 2014 at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The gates will be open from 8:00 till 9:30, registration will run from 8:30 till 9:30, mandatory safety meeting at 9:45 and the match itself will begin at 10:00 am. The costs is $15.00 for individuals, $25.00 for couples, $10.00 for members of CR&PC and as always shooters 18 and under shoot free.

The stages have been written by myself and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday Apr 06th 2014.docx
Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday Apr 06th 2014.pdf

We will be shooting the match straight through without a lunch break. In the event of wet weather, we will have tents setup and adjust the stages as necessary.

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – April 6th, 2014 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – March 12th, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

Please find attached the scores from today’s Cavalier Cowboys match. Congratulations to Cockroach as the Top Overall Shooter.

They had a few sprinkles at the beginning of the match but they kept their guns and powder dry and had a good time shooting.


Safe Travels,



Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys 2nd Wednesday Monthly Match is back, we will be shooting this coming Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at the Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club.

The gates will be open from 10:00 through 11:30, match setup will start at 10:00, registration will run from 10:30 through 11:45, mandatory safety meeting at 11:45 and the match itself begins at 12:00, high noon. The costs is $15.00 for non members, $25.00 for couples, $10.00 for members of CR&PC and shooters 18 and under shoot free. Additional details are available on our web site at: www.cavaliercowboys.org

The stages have been written by Cockroach and are attached in PDF format.

Cavalier Match.03.12.14.pdf

The current weather forecast looks warm but a little wet, if the status of the match changes we will send out an update, no new is good news.

One Update from the Sunday, March 2nd match; I wanted to extended a warm cowboy welcome to Young Buck our newest cowboy shooter, who shot his first match this past Sunday at Cavalier. Young Buck is the grand child of our own Enid City Kid and we look forward to shooting with him at many more cowboy matches. Welcome Young Buck!!!!!!

Safe Travels,


2nd Wednesday Match – March 12th, 2014 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – March 2nd, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The weather today was amazing; warm, sunny and a nice breeze all day!!!

The scores are attached in both MS Excel and PDF formats. Congratulations to Left Spurmaker as our Top Overall Shooter!! Congratulations to BS Walker, Cockroach, Cody Maverick, Flatboat Bob, Mad Dog Savage, Swifty McDraw and Prairie City Slim for shooting Clean All Day.

CAVALIER results 3-2-14.xlsm
CAVALIER results 3-2-14.pdf

Here is the BIG NEWS from the match….  Awhile back when Mustang Shelby first started shooting cowboy, her father Deringer Dan made her a motivational promise, that if she ever beat him in a match, he would shoot the next match wearing a dress, well that day has arrived, Mustang Shelby shot a great match and beat Deringer Dan!!!!!!!! So you know what that means, lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Safe Travels,



Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting their monthly 1st Sunday Match, this Sunday, March 2nd, 2014.

The gates will be open from 8:00 till 9:30, registration will run between 8:30 and 9:30, mandatory safety meeting at 9:45 and the match begins at 10:00 am sharp. The cost is $15.00 for non members, $25.00 for couples and $10.00 for members of CR&PC. Additional match details are available on our web site at: www.cavaliercowboys.org

The stages have been written by BS Walker and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday March 2nd 2014.doc

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday March 2nd 2014.pdf

The weather.com forecast for Sunday is Sunny, Dry but a little cool with a high of 46 degrees. We will send out an update IF anything changes, so no news is good news.

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – March 2nd, 2014 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – February 2nd, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

We had a great day of shooting today at Cavalier. It was very warm, sunny and we were done shooting by 1:00 so plenty of time to get home for the big game.

Congratulations to BS Walker as the Top Overall Shooter and congratulations to BS Walker, Cody Maverick and Sassy Shooting Sours for shooting Clean All Day.

CAVALIER results 2-2-2014.pdf

CAVALIER results 2-2-2014.xlsm

Safe Travels,



Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Sunday, February 2nd, 2014.

The stages have been written by myself and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats. The gates will be open between 8:00 and 9:30, registration will run from 8:30 till 9:30, the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45 and the match itself begins sharply at 10:00. The costs is $15.00 for non members, $10.00 for members of CR&PC, couples shoot for $25.00 and shooters under the age of 18 shoot for free.

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday Feb 02nd 2014.docx

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday Feb 02nd 2014.pdf

This Sunday is also Super Bowl Sunday, local range rules require us to be done shooting by 3:00 on Sundays and we should be done shooting before that so you can still shoot the match with us on Sunday and get home in time for the kickoff of the big game which is at 6:30.

The weather.com forecast for Sunday looks good, with partly cloudy skies, high temperature of 52 degrees and only a slight chance of rain. If the weather forecast changes we will send out an update by 5:00 pm on Friday, but only if the weather turns bad, so no news is good news.

We will be holding our after the match cowboy social but we will keep it short in order to get home in time for the game.

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – February 2nd, 2014 Read More »