1st Sunday Match – April 1st, 2018

Hello Everyone

This Sunday, April 1, 2018 the Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting their regular monthly match. Actually, not so regular because it is Easter. I do have enough confirmed attendance to still have a nice turnout. To all that can’t be with us have a happy Easter. I will miss a target for you in your absence. Gates open at 8:30, safety meeting at 9:45 and start shooting at 10:00. Stages are not attached because back by popular demand, this will be our on site design match where six lucky shooters will design a stage. The starting line for Sunday is “I Shot the Easter Bunny”

To all of my cowboy family
Have a great Easter Holiday

Major BS

1st Sunday Match – April 1st, 2018 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – March 14th, 2018

Howdy Boys and Girls

Well we had five brave souls come shoot todays opening Wednesdays match in the cold wind. I’d like to welcome our new member to the monthly posse, Captain R. Hugh Kidnme . Glad to have you ride the range with us. Thanks to everyone for their help and for shooting the mystery stage with much success. We had No Clean Shooters today, the wind just kept blowing the bullets off target. Results are attached.

Thanks: Major BS Walker

03-14-2018 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Hello gang, the Cavalier Cowboys are once again having their every second Wednesday match. We only not have this match in Dec., Jan. and Feb. and start up again every March.This coming Wednesday March 14th, 2018 we will be shooting again. (Taa-Daaaa) Gates open at 10am, safety meeting at 11:45 and first round goes down range at high noon. Standard rates apply. Supposed to be a little chilly so dress appropriately. Stages attached

Looking forward to seeing you
Major BS

(Note) Stage 6 will not be shot as written but the round count will be the same. Mystery stage.

Cavalier Cowboys Stages 03-14-2018.docx

2nd Wednesday Match – March 14th, 2018 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – March 4th, 2018

Hello Everyone

Just found out that the wind has broken a power pole on Boondock Ln. going into the Cavalier range and another line is hanging dangerously low as you enter the range so with the request of the president of the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club and the danger aspect at hand, with a heavy heart, we must cancel this Sundays match.

I guess now that you have some free time on Sunday, you can fill out and mail in your registration to the Gunfight at the Double-C if you haven’t already. April 14th. is fast approaching. Information and registration forms are at www.cavaliercowboys.org  Please don’t put it off to the last second.

Our only match before the Gunfight will now be the second Wednesday match in a week and a half to be held on Wednesday, March 14th. 2018.

Sorry for the match cancellation Sunday
and thank you for supporting the Gunfight at the Double-C.

Major BS Walker
Match Director
Gunfight at the Double-C

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their monthly 1st Sunday match on March 4th, 2018, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The stages have been written by myself and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday March 4th 2018.docx
Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday March 4th 2018.pdf

As we always do, we will be holding our Cowboy Social after the match and everyone is invited to bring along their favorite snacks and beverages and join us!!

I am looking forward to shooting my first cowboy match in a long while and hope to see you all at the match.

Important Reminder – our annual two day match, Gunfight at the Double-C is fast approaching with the registration deadline of Wednesday, March 28th. I have attached a copy of our registration application to this email and Major BS Walker will be at the match accepting applications and answering any questions that you may have.

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at www.cavaliercowboys.org

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
1st Sunday Matches – For our Sunday Matches the match begins at 10:00am, the gates will be open from 8:00am till 9:30am, registration will run from 8:30 until 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45am.

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – March 4th, 2018 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – February 4th, 2018

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

We have made the decision to cancel our 1st Sunday match for February 4th, 2018.

Although it has improved slightly from yesterday’s forecast, the current hourly weather forecast calls for rain and a “feels like” temperatures in the 30’s throughout our match time window. We can handle the rain and we can handle the cold but when you combine them and throw in a steady wind all day, it just isn’t fun weather too shoot in.

By the time I get to shoot again, I will need someone to mentor me 🙁

Stay warm and enjoy the football game on Sunday!!


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their monthly 1st Sunday match on February 4th, 2018, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The stages have been written by Major BS Walker and are attached in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Stages 2018-02-04.docx
Cavalier Stages 2018-02-04.pdf

The weather forecast for this week is a bit of a roller coaster, but it looks like we will be able to shoot on Sunday. We will send out an update on Friday either way.

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at www.cavaliercowboys.org

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
1st Sunday Matches – For our Sunday Matches the match begins at 10:00am, the gates will be open from 8:00am till 9:30am, registration will run from 8:30 until 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45am.

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – February 4th, 2018 Read More »

2018 1st Sunday Match Authors

Here is who is writing the 2018 1st Sunday Stages for the Cavalier Cowboys:


January 7th, 2018 Striker
February 4th, 2018 Major BS Walker
March 4th, 2018 Striker
April 14th & 15th, 2018 Major BS Walker
May 6th, 2018 Ripsaw
June 3rd, 2018 Striker
July 1st, 2018 Major BS Walker
August 5th, 2018 Smackwater
September 2nd, 2018 Striker
October 7th, 2018 Major BS Walker
November 4th, 2018 Striker
December 2nd, 2018 Major BS Walker


2018 1st Sunday Match Authors Read More »

1st Sunday Match – January 7th, 2018

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

Happy New Year to all our Cowboy Family and Friends!!!!

In terms of bad weather, my normal approach is to send out the match announcement on Monday saying that we are planning on having a match but will send out am update on Friday with the final call. I use this approach because the weather forecast 7 days out are very unreliable.

However, the current hourly weather forecast for Sunday calls for 18 degrees with a feels like of 13 degrees for our 10:00 am start time.

This forecast is so far below what I consider minimum acceptable shooting, that I am taking a different approach.

Assume that the Sunday, January 7th match is cancelled.

And if some weather miracle occurs between now and then, we will send out an update on Friday that the match is back on.

Let’s hope this isn’t the start of a bad trend for 2018 cowboy shooting……

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – January 7th, 2018 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – December 3rd, 2017

Cavalier Cowboys Match Results 12/03/17

What a nice day for a cowboy shoot. A little cold at the start but it warmed up quickly. Thanks to everyone that helped  do the chores to make this match happen.You know who you are.We were fortunate to have with us today, three first time shooters. Welcome to the cowboy family, Dr. Tree, Fury Pete and Stumpy Gummer. You all did quite well for a first match. It was also nice to shoot with Big Iron Padnock again before he goes back to Texas. Unfortunately, we only had two clean shooters, and those two lucky gentlemen were Potter County Kid and Prairie City Slim. Our top overall shooter was Cody Maverick himself. We also had a chili cook-off and social afterword’s and the winner of the Cavalier Cowboys Chili Cook-off was none other than Mr. Stogie.

Cavalier 12-03-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
Cavalier 12-03-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Thanks all:

Major BS Walker

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their monthly 1st Sunday cowboy match on December 3rd, 2017, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The stages have been written by Major BS Walker and are attached in PDF and MS Word formats.

Cavalier Match 12-03-2017.docx
Cavalier Match 12-03-2017.pdf

Please see the separate emails from us about the Chili Cook-off we are going to have during our regular Cowboy Social after the match.

This month’s match is going to be run by Major BS Walker, I have a work conflict and will not be able to shoot with you all this month. However, I should be able to get work wrapped up in time to get out to the range and join you for the Cowboy Social and Chili Cook-off, so please save a bowl or two for me. I am looking forward to some fine chili feasting.

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at www.cavaliercowboys.org

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
1st Sunday Matches – For our Sunday Matches the match begins at 10:00am, the gates will be open from 8:00am till 9:30am, registration will run from 8:30 until 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45am.

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – December 3rd, 2017 Read More »

Pre-Match Announcement for our Sunday Dec. 3rd Match

Hi everyone!

I am happy to say that everyone is excited about our social. We have at least three cowboys cooking chili, and we will have cornbread and fixins, as well, maybe even some hot dogs for the chili dog lovers. We always have plenty of food,  so even if you aren’t able to bring something,  please join us. If you are looking for something to bring,  some people like crackers in their chili, or cheese and crackers are always good. Cookies or a little something sweet is usually a crowd pleaser.  The company is far more important than the food.  I am looking forward to seeing all of you!

Whiskey Mae

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

We will be sending out our standard match announcement and stages on Monday but wanted to get some info out to you ahead of that email.

As you know we always have a Cowboy Social after the match, where everyone brings their favorite snacks and drinks and we share these items and enjoy our cowboy family fellowship.

Well for this coming match on Dec 3rd., Whiskey Mae has issued a friendly challenge, as follows from her:

“Howdy, and I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I am sure thankful for all my cowboy friends.

How do y’all feel about chili and fixins for our December cowboy social? I know Stogie will make some chili,  send I think there are some others that would bring theirs, too. I will bring some cornbread, onions,  shredded cheese and corn chips.  We could have a friendly cowboy chili cook off.


Thanks all.
Whiskey Mae

So, are there any other cowboys willing to except this challenge?

If there are, please contact Whiskey Mae directly, her email is above and coordinate this competition.

We have electricity available on the range, so slow cookers are a option for your chili and we have the gas grill with a side burner as another.

And regardless of  if your entering the cook off or not, everyone is invited to help judge the winners.

So, bring along your favorite drink, favorite snacks, and join us after the match for our Cowboy Social.

Safe Travels,


Pre-Match Announcement for our Sunday Dec. 3rd Match Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – November 8th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys held a “informal” cowboy match on 11/08/2017 and therefore there were no scores to be sent out.

Safe Travels,


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their monthly 2nd Wednesday match on November 8th, 2017.

The stages have been written by Major BS Walker and are attached in MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Stages 11-08-2017.pdf
Cavalier Stages 11-08-2017.docx

If the weather forecast becomes an issue, we will send out an update on Tuesday, but no news is good news meaning the match is good to go.

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at www.cavaliercowboys.org

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
For our Wednesday Matches the match begins at Noon, 12:00pm, the gates will be open from 10:00am till 11:30am, registration will run from 10:30 until 11:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 11:45am.

Safe Travels,


2nd Wednesday Match – November 8th, 2017 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – November 5th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys held their 1st Sunday match today (11/05/2017) at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The weather wasn’t as sunny and warm as we were expecting but the shooting and fun sure made up for the misty conditions.

Congratulations to Stogie as the Top Overall Cowboy shooter today!!!

Congratulations to Kuba Kid, Major BS Walker, Mohawk Mac, Sassy Shooting Sours, and Will Sonnet as our Clean All Day Shooters!!!!

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

11-05-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
11-05-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Safe Travels,


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Sunday, November 5th, 2017 at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The stages have been written by me and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday November 5th 2017.docx
Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday November 5th 2017.pdf

The cold winter months are getting close, so let’s enjoy this great fall weather while we can.

Important Reminder!! – The “Fall Back” time change will occur this weekend Saturday night / Sunday Morning, so be sure to change your clocks before you go to bed so that you can make it to the match at the correct time.

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at www.cavaliercowboys.org

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
1st Sunday Matches – For our Sunday Matches the match begins at 10:00am, the gates will be open from 8:00am till 9:30am, registration will run from 8:30 until 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45am.

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – November 5th, 2017 Read More »