1st Sunday Match — February 3rd, 2019

Hello fellow shooting enthusiasts
What a day to be shooting in February. The starting temp today was yesterdays finishing temp. We had 19 lucky  people show up today, well,18 lucky and 1 now so lucky. Congrads to Cody Maverick as our top shooter today and congrads to Cody, Ham O’Royd, One Eyed Jane and Trooper Ozzy for their well earned clean all day. We also had a first match shooter today, Snakeskin Jack and he shot gunfighter. Enjoyed having you and hope to see much more of you MR. Snakeskin. Just a reminder, the Gunfight at the Double-C is fast approaching so please send in your registrations. You don’t want to miss this one.

Thanks for all the hard work today:
Major BSW
Results attached


Cavalier 2019-02-03 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf


Hello Everyone

This Sunday is our regular first Sunday of the month match and this is also Super Bowl Sunday. When you wake up Sunday morning don’t pace around all day waiting for the game to start. Don’t sit aimlessly for hours staring at the TV and listening to sports casters make guess after guess as to what will happen. Instead, come on out and have some fun with us at the range. Weather forecast has Sunday back up into the 50’s. Super Bowl kickoff is not until 6:30. We start at 10:00 and are finished by 2:00 and tear down done by 2:30. That still gives you 4 hours  until game time. With 4 hours I can still take a 2 hour nap before the game starts. Hope you can make it. Stages written by me in a new style and attached



Cavalier 2-3-19 match.pdf

1st Sunday Match — February 3rd, 2019 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — January 6th, 2019

Hello Cowboys and Cowgirls
Was this January weather or April weather. What a lovely day to shoot something. We were missing a few people today. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Mr. Prairie City Slim and MS. One Eyed Jane. Slim, hope you have a fast recovery. Hopefully we will see you and Jane by the next match.
Well, we still had 17 shooters brave the conditions and shoot the match today. Congrads to Cody as the top overall shooter and a special shout out to all the clean shooters today. Cody Maverick, Kuba Kid, Potter County Kid and Trooper Ozzy. I’m gonna leave out the part that Potter beat me today shooting gunfighter. Hope everyone had a good time and of course, stages are attached
Till we meet again:
Major BS Wlker

Happy New Year Cowboys and Cowgirls

Are you ready for your best shooting year to date.

The Cavalier Cowboys will be starting this new shooting season next Sunday, Jan. 6th 2019, our regularly monthly match date. Gates open at 8:00 am, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10 o’clock. Heat will be provided. With the colder temperatures we will hold our cowboy social at the Mexican restraint just off the corner at Oilville and 250. Stages are attached and are furnished by our pard, Ripsaw.

Looking forward to seeing everyone;
Major BS Walker


Cavalier Stages 01-06-2019 Remember the Alamo Rev 1.pdf

1st Sunday Match — January 6th, 2019 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — December 12th, 2018

Well, we have been bitten by the winter bug. With 8″+ of snow still on the ground and the roads to the club still quite icy, the match for tomorrow is a NO go.
There will not be another Wednesday match until March unless we have a freak warm weather event.
Thanks a Bunch
Major BS Walker

Hello Everyone
The Cavalier Cowboys will be having their second Wednesday match this Wednesday, Dec.12. This will be our last Wednesday match until the winter passes and will resume again in March. Weather forecast for the match is supposed to be in the mid to upper 40’s and sunny so it will even feel warmer than actual temperatures. Gates open at 10:00 with first shot at 12 noon.
Hope you can make it
Major BSW
Attached are the stages – trying something a little more different.

2nd Wednesday Match — December 12th, 2018 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — December 02, 2018

Hello Everyone
I think someone should pee in the Weather mans Eggnog because he sure got it wrong today. Despite the mist and the forty’s temperatures during the match me all managed to enjoy ourselves. Congratulations to Mr. Cody as our top overall shooter and to Ms. Jane and Mr. Ripsaw for being our only two clean all day shooters. Also, congrads to Ripsaw for writing a good match and for beating me today. Thanks for all the help with set-up and tare-down. Stages attached.
Happy Holidays from Major BS Walker

Hello  Cowboys and Cowboyetts
I hope you all had as great of a Thanksgiving as I did but now that that’s over,it is  time to get into Kris Kringle mode. This Sunday Dec. 2nd 2018 the Cavalier Cowboys are inviting you to their 1st Sunday monthly match. Please don’t miss this opportunity to hone your Grinch shooting skills. You will need to rely on them later in the month.  Gates open at 8:00, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot at 10:00. As always, Cowboy Social after the match. Stages are attached and were written by Mr. Ripsaw.
Happy Holidays: Major BS Walker

1st Sunday Match — December 02, 2018 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — November 14th, 2018

Hello fellow Cowboys and Cowgirls

It was a little cold today but without the wind blowing it was comfortable with the help of a pair of long johns . With the crowd we had today I just can’t understand why we didn’t have a single clean shooter but o” well, stranger things have happened. I would like to congratulate Cody as our 1st place shooter, BS, me in second place and Ripsaw coming in third overall. I’d also would like to thank Ripsaw for bringing his neighbor Gary to watch his first match and he got to shoot a couple of stages to boot. Thanks Gary for helping out. The results from today are attached.

Thanks All: MBSW

Cavalier Scores 11-14-2018 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf


Hello All

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Wednesday Nov.14th. Gates open at 10:00 for set-up, safety briefing at 11:45 and first shot down range at 12:00 noon. Looks as if it will be dry but a little cold so dress appropriately. Hope to see you there and as usual, stages are attached.

Thanks: MBSW

Cavalier Match Stages 11-14-2018.pdf

2nd Wednesday Match — November 14th, 2018 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — November 4th, 2018

Hello Fellow Cowboy Shooters

Well what can I say but what a great day for a Cowboy get together. First two stages were a little nippy but by stage three most were out of their coats for the rest of the day. Cavalier had the honor of having two first time at Cavalier shooters, Tinpan McGurk and Lawman Mays and we also had the honor of having Yakima Jim shoot his first time ever Cowboy match. Despite me being there, we hope to see all of you again. Remember you are always welcome into the Cowboy family and the friendship we all shared with each other at todays match. If I could remember the spectators name that watched and hooked all day I would like to thank him also. Now for the results. Weather was just right for a good bowl of Chili after the match and rubbing our noses in it was Mr. Stogie again repeating the coveted title as this years Chili Champion. Congrads Stogie. Where else can you go and come in first and second at one match. We did manage to have two clean shooters, that being Sassy and me. Thanks you everyone for your work effort and just being you.

Cavalier 11-04-2018 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Stages attached:
Your Pard: Major BS Walker

Hello Everyone

Time again for the Cavalier Cowboys first Sunday of the month match and also our 2nd. annual Chili Cook-off on Nov. 4th. Gates open at 8:30, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10:00. Saturday night is the end of Daylight Savings Time so don’t forget to set your clocks back. This will give you one extra hour to sleep in or for some extra time to recover, so don’t show up too early or too late. Looking forward to some award winning chili and to some award winning cowboy shooting fun. Stages are attached and were written by Mr. Smackwater.


Sorry for the mess up on drawings for stages 4,5 & 6. The pistols are 1 through 5, I didn’t notice the mistake until I opened the attachment .

Sorry: Major BS Walker


1st Sunday Match — November 4th, 2018 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — October 10th, 2018

Hello Everyone

Well we got drizzled on a little while today but still managed to pull off a pretty good match. Welcome back Blue Steel. It has been several years. We did manage to have one clean shooter today and that was me. Cockroach wrote a good array of stags. Speaking of stages, they are attached.

Also, don’t forget to support Mattaponi’s Brest Cancer Match in two weeks and the following week will be the Sussex County Range War at Pungo.

Thanks all:
Major BS Walker

Cavalier Match Scores 2018-10-07.pdf

Hello Again

Now that todays match is in the record books, you have a chance to do it again. This Wednesday, Oct. 10 the Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their every second Wednesday of the month match. Gates open at 10:00 am, safety briefing at 11:45 and first shot down range at high noon. I didn’t write the stages. Everyone is invited.


Attached are the stages for Oct 10, in pdf

Cavalier Match 10-10-2018.pdf

2nd Wednesday Match — October 10th, 2018 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — October 07th, 2018

Hello everyone

What a nice day to shoot. A little breeze would of helped but it was still quite nice. We still had a good turnout with many at the Eastern Divisional but 20 shooters managed to make it to the match. With the mostly non traditional stages some fool put together, we still managed to have 3 clean shooters, Cockroach, Smackwater and Major BS Walker. I do hope everyone had fun today. That is the real reason we put ourselves through all of this. Stages attached.

Thanks for all the help
Major BS Walker
Match Director, Cavalier Cowboys

Cavalier Match Scores 2018-10-07.pdf


Hello Ladies & Gentlemen or is it hello boys &  girls
For all those people that will not be at Thurmont for the Eastern Divisional this weekend, the Cavalier Cowboys will be hosting their first Sunday of the month match as usual. Gates open at 8:30, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10:00. Cavalier information and directions can be found at www.cavaliercowboys.org or contact me at www.majorbswalker@gmail.com. Good luck to all at Thurmont but if you are not there than I hope to see you here.
Stages attached.

1st Sunday Match — October 07th, 2018 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — September 12th, 2018

Hello everyone
It stayed overcast for the match so the temperature never got too high. It was only 79 when we left. We had one clean shooter and sadly to say it was me.
Thanks guys for all the help.
Results attached.
Major BS Walker

Hello everyone

The Cavalier Cowboys will be having their every second Wednesday of the month this Wednesday Sept. 12. Gates open at 10 am, safety briefing at 11:45 and first shot down range at noon. Hopefully the hurricane will leave us alone long enough to have the match. I will keep track on it’s progress and update on Tuesday if it has to be cancelled. Hopefully not. Stages attached.

Major BSW

Cavalier Match 09-12-2018.pdf

2nd Wednesday Match — September 12th, 2018 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — September 2nd, 2018

Hello Everyone

I hope all of you enjoyed the match today and didn’t get too confused with the stages. I missed seeing all of your (hopefully) smiling faces today. There was only one clean shooter out of the bunch and that was Cockroach. Congrads to Mr. Cody for being the top overall shooter. Thanks everyone for doing the work duties while I was away.

Stages Attached
Major BS Walker

Cavalier 09-02-2018 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

The Cavalier match Sunday will be Cowboy Casual. No open toed shoes or ball caps. Shorts and t-shirts are allowed.
Stay cool:

If you decided not to go to the State match this weekend then come on down on Sunday, Sept. 2nd and hang out with the Cavalier Cowboys for some cowboy shootem- up. Gates open at 8:30, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10:00.Please take advantage of this opportunity to shoot with BS no where around. Stages written by me and are attached. Don’t forget we have a Cowboy social after the match so hang out at that also.

Good luck to all the State shooters and everyone else just enjoy yourselves and play safe.
Thanks: MBSW

Cavalier Match Stages 09-02-2018.pdf

1st Sunday Match — September 2nd, 2018 Read More »