1st Sunday Match — June 2nd, 2019

Hello Everyone
What a great day to come out and play. Nice weather seems to elude us so enjoy it while you can. Ripsaw wrote a nice match for us today (not including stage 6) and the clean shooters came out of the woodwork. Enid City Kid, Judge NO Hart, Kuba Kid, Potter County Kid, Sassy Shooting Sours and myself shot Clean All Day. The next Cavalier match will be Wednesday June12, 2019 with first shot down range at high noon.
As always, thanks for all the help
Major BS Walker

Hello Everyone
The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting there normal first Sunday of the month match this Sunday, June 2, 2019. Cold water, fans and canopies will be provided for your comfort. Even though Ripsaw is still laid up, he had previously written this match for us. Please come out and support his efforts.
See you Sunday:
Major BS Walker 

1st Sunday Match — June 2nd, 2019 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — May 8th, 2019

Hello Everyone
Everyone was either busy, sick, laid up or injured to make the match today but what a perfect day for a match. No clean shooters, everyone had some sort of gun malfunction today.
Scores are attached from my first try with PractiScore on a new iPad.
MD Cavalier Cowboys

Hello Women and Men, Boys and Girls and those that are Gender Unsure.
The Cavalier Cowboys are not only shooting this Sunday but will also be shooting their regular second Wednesday match just three days later on May 8th. Wednesdays match starts at high noon but gates open at 10 for setup. I hope to see you there.
Stages are attached or should I say information is attached to Stages.

2nd Wednesday Match — May 8th, 2019 Read More »

Covid-19 and the Cavalier Cowboys

The next Cavalier Cowboys Match will be on Sunday, June 7th, 2020.  Details on how our matches will operator under Social Distancing Rules will be communicated by email in the very near future.

Hello Cowboys and Cowgirls
The Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club board of directors has approved the reopening of group matches starting on Saturday May 23. We will have to abide by social distancing rules and no more than 10 on a posse. Wearing of face protection is recommended but not required except for officers, TO’s who will need to be closer than 6 feet. I know everyone will do their part to have a safe and healthy match. Looking forward to throwing some lead down range with you all again.
Wash Your Hands:
Major BS Walker 

Today I received an email from the Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club which reads;
In light of strong recommendations from the CDC and the President, the Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club Board of Directors has voted to postpone all scheduled matches and meetings at Cavalier until further notice.  The Cavalier range remains open for individual members.
The Rivanna Shooting Club in Charlottesville has also enacted the same measures at their club. This means that the Cavalier Cowboys monthly and the Gunfight at the Double-C are a no go at this time. I will wait a month or so to see how we can reschedule for this year. If for some reason this doesn’t work out  then a  full refund or prepay for next years match will be done by your request. This is very disturbing news but also a no brainer because my friends health is far more important than a shooting match.
Your Friend and Pard
Major BS Walker
Match Director

Covid-19 and the Cavalier Cowboys Read More »

1st Sunday Match — May 5th, 2019

Hello Everyone
Who would of thunk, raining when I left the house at 8:00, stopped when I got to the range at 8:30, shot the match and had the Cowboy Social, left the range and one hour after arriving home it started to rain. Just doesn’t get much better than that.
Thanks for all the help from everyone that shot today, your help is always appreciated. Sorry though, the scores won’t be out until I fix an Ipad glitch which has occurred.
Thanks Again:
Major B.S. Walker
M.D. Cavalier Cowboys

Hello Boys and Girls
This weekend is the Father Time match and many will be there. For all that will not be there, the Cavalier Cowboys will be having their regular first Sunday of the month match on Sunday May 5th. Hope you can sling some lead with us. Stages are written by Smackwater and will be a lot of fun.Good luck to everyone at Father Time.
Major BS Walker
Match Director
Cavalier Cowboys

1st Sunday Match — May 5th, 2019 Read More »

2019 Gunfight at the Double-C Scores

Here is the overall scores from this weekend. I do hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Please e-mail me with suggestions for next year. Speaking of next year, the Gunfight at the Double-C will be moving to its New Time Slot. We have to make a few small changes to the setup for next year to do this but the Gunfight will now be held on the 4th weekend in April, that being April 25th and 26th in 2020. Six weeks after the Gathering, a couple weeks after Blueridge, a week before Father Time and three weeks before Thunder in the Brush. Now you can shoot them all.
Just can’t pass up this opportunity to once again thank  everyone and to express how much your work and support is appreciated.

Your Pard:
Major B.S.Walker
Match Director
Cavalier Cowboys


Well I’m getting close. I couldn’t attach the two results details so you’re getting two e-mails I guess since we only had two clean shooters it seems kind of appropriate. Our only two clean shooters were Flatboat Bob and Enid City Kid. Way to go guys, we are at awe. Please ignore the date under the Match title because it ignores me when I try to change it.

Major BS Walker



Hello fellow shooters from Major BS. Everything at the range is packed up and put away. I’ve unloaded my truck, plugged the I-pads in to charge and then at 8:00 pm I finally sat down on the bed and started removing my mud stained cowboy clothes. The Gunfight at the Double-C 2019 the Last Words match is in the record books. For those that did not attend you missed a winner. With all the bad weather forecast for the weekend, we got drizzled on for a couple stages on Saturday and dry all day on Sunday. Had just enough shelters set up to stay dry, it was still sort of muggy but we shot all 12 stages. I would like thank everyone that attended this year, for everyone’s assistance with posse duties, for the people who helped set up and tear down everything and for everyone just being you. It’s really nice to have such a respected cowboy family as you provide to me. Congratulations to all the winners but with the computer glitch I caused, I will not be able to send the scores out until tomorrow.

Thanks Again:
Major B.S.Walker
Match Director
Cavalier Cowboys


GATDC 2019 DetailedMatchResultsByTime
GATDC 2019 MatchResultsByCatTime


2019 Gunfight at the Double-C Scores Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — April 10th, 2019

Hello Everyone
What a great day to shoot but between doctor appointments, broken down cars and visiting relatives out of town, it was hard to muster up a sizable group. The four of us that did shoot had as much fun as a dozen. A special shout out welcome to El Diablo Don for stopping by and throwing some lead down range with us today.
Results are attached.
Thanks: Major BSW

Hello Everyone

Like I said in a earlier email, the cavalier Cowboys will be holding their regular 2nd Wednesday of the month match this Wednesday April 10, 2019. Gates open at 10 and first shot down range at noon. All are welcome. Stages for the match are attached.

Thanks: Major BSW


Hello Boys & Girls

Back by popular demand, we will be holding our Cowboy Social at the range after Sundays match. If you can’t make the match on Sunday then you still have time to practice for the Double-C match held the following weekend by shooting our second  Wednesday of the month match on April 10. Seems Cavalier is just a bonanza of shooting opportunities. All are welcome. Stages are being processed for Wednesdays match as we speak and will be forth coming.

Thanks: Major BSW


Cavalier Match 04-10-2019.pdf

2nd Wednesday Match — April 10th, 2019 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — April 7th, 2019

Hello Everybody

I would have to say that todays weather was just about picture perfect. It was nice to have the Cowboy Social back as well. We had 17 shooters participate in todays festivities but with the nice weather and the fun stages, we only managed to produce one clean all day shooter That was meee, that was me. Anyway, with Cody having 27 misses and me shooting clean, he still was the top overall shooter. Glad you could all come and thanks for all the help.
Don’t forget that we will shoot again this Wednesday and I’m looking forward to shooting with all, or almost all my pards this up coming weekend at the Gunfight at the Double-C. Of course, results are attached.

Thanks a bunch:
Major B.S.Walker

Scores 4-07-2019 DetailedMatchResultsByTime

Hello Everyone

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their 1st Sunday of the month match this Sunday, April 7th. Gates open at 8:30, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10:00. Hope everyone can make it. Stages are written by Smackwater and are attached.

Thanks Again: MBSW


Hello Boys & Girls

Back by popular demand, we will be holding our Cowboy Social at the range after Sundays match. If you can’t make the match on Sunday then you still have time to practice for the Double-C match held the following weekend by shooting our second  Wednesday of the month match on April 10. Seems Cavalier is just a bonanza of shooting opportunities. All are welcome. Stages are being processed for Wednesdays match as we speak and will be forth coming.

Thanks: Major BSW


cavalier 4-7-2019 stages by smackwater.pdf

1st Sunday Match — April 7th, 2019 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — March 13th, 2019

Hello Boys & Girls
Sorry you had to work today or just decided to sleep in because it was a good day for a match. Weather today should pretty much mirror what we will experience this weekend at Gathering on the Mattaponi. We finally wound up with 9 shooters today and with stages like we had, it could of been 5 or 6 shooters. Actually, the twist in the stages made for a very fun afternoon. Sadly, we only had one clean shooter and that honor goes to VA. Rifleman the one and only. Thanks guys for all the help.
PS – Speaking of this weekends Gathering on the Mattaponi, you can just bring your registration to the Double-C match with you and save a stamp.
See all of you this weekend.
Results posted
Major B.S.W.
Match Director
Cavalier Cowboys

Hello Everyone
Time to dust off your Wednesday ammunition and shoot up some targets again. Winter is on the way out and Wednesday matches are on again. The Cavalier Cowboys  invites you to come on out this Wednesday, 3/13/19, and have some fun. Gates open at 10 am for set up and first shot down range at high noon. Speaking of high, the temps for Wednesday is around 54 with 4 mph winds. Not to bad, not to bad at all. Hope to see you then.
Major B.S.W.
Don’t forget to set your clocks forward this Saturday night.

2nd Wednesday Match — March 13th, 2019 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — March 3rd, 2019

Hello fellow Cowboy shooters

Sorry for the late scores but I have been having problems with Google groups. Hopefully it is fixed. It basically stayed about 45 all day from beginning to end but with no breeze, it felt a lot warmer, especially next to the fire barrel. Never rained but a light damp mist keep us under the canopy’s high and dry. We had 9 shooters shoot todays match and 4 of them shot clean. Those shooters were One Eyed Jane, Ham O’Royd, Smackwater and myself Major BS. I really want to salute the work ethics everyone showed to make this match a success.
Just a reminder, the Gunfight at the Double-C is just a few weeks away so please get your registrations in. Forms at www.cavaliercowboys.org
Results attached

Thanks Again:
Major B.S.W.



Hello Everyone

The Cavalier Cowboys would like to invite you to our regular 1st Sunday of the month match this Sunday 3 / 3 / 19. Gates open at 8 am and first shot down range at 10 am. It’s gonna be a little coldish so dress warmly. The fire barrel and hands heater on the loading table will be cranking for your comfort. The stages have been written by Ripsaw and we will be shooting the one bay setup instead of the two.
Also, I hope you like our new parking.
Please ignore the date on the attachment. Did some swapping for a one bay setup.

Hope to see you
Thanks: MBSW

cav march 3 2019 Jesse James 1 or 2 Bays.pdf

1st Sunday Match — March 3rd, 2019 Read More »