2nd Wednesday Match — November 13th, 2019

Hello Gang
I haven’t been able to fix the problem yet but my iPad won’t send the results to my email. Anyway, yesterday was about as cold of a day to shoot as you would want, upper 20’s at start and around 34 by finish.The three of us that shot never got cold (long john’s rule)but we did have to contend with cold hands. For that reason we had no clean shooters. The order of placement was Major BS, Lefty Spurmaker, Bingo Montana.
PS: My experimental stage will be canned.

Hello Cowboys & Cowgirls
The Cavalier Cowboys will he shooting there second Wednesday of the month match this Wednesday Nov. 13th. Gates open at 10 with first shot down range at high noon. Speaking of highs, it’s supposed to be cold on Wednesday so Cowboy Casual Cold dress code will be in effect. This will be our last Wednesday match for 2019. Wednesday matches will not be held in December, January and February but will resume in March. Please come on out and play cowboy with us even though I wrote the stages.
Thanks All:
Major BS Walker

2nd Wednesday Match — November 13th, 2019 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – November 3rd, 2019

Hello Pards and Pardetts
The Cavalier Thanksgiving festivities are over and here is a quick run down of the event. As you all know, it was quite cool all day but at least it was sunny. I guess it’s better to have turkey instead of duck because the duck grease on everyone’s hands keep us from having one clean shooter. We should of supplied handi-wipes I guess. Slick fingers didn’t hamper anyone from having fun though. Thanks for everyone’s help, your work efforts are equal to no other. Results attached.
Gunfight at the Double-C information will be appearing next month.
Thanks Again:
Major B.S. Walker

Hello Cowboys & Cowgirls
The Cavalier Cowboys invites everyone to shoot their Thanksgiving match this Sunday Nov. 3, 2019. No, we are not serving turkey at the cowboy social. Weather so far says sunny but cold. Mid 30’s in the morning with highs in the mid 50’s so don’t forget a coat and also don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour because it’s the end of daylight savings time. You get an extra hour to sleep in so don’t be late. First shot down range at 10:00. Setup for the match will start Saturday at 4:00 if you can help. We have a new target to break in so help us do it right. Stages are attached written by that BS fella.

1st Sunday Match – November 3rd, 2019 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — October 9th, 2019

Hello Gang
Really nice day to shoot a match. Even though we were missing a few folks, we still had nine shooters who shot the stand and deliver match. Myself and TAPS were the only CAB shooters today. The Cavalier Cowboys wants to welcome TAPS who shot his first match with us today and shot it clean to boot. Scores are attached.
Thanks for all the help guys, your the best
Major BSW

Hello Gang
Well we had a match Sunday Oct 6 and we will have our 2nd Wednesday match this Wednesday Oct 9th. Gates open at 10:00 to begin setup and first shot down range at 12 noon. It’s a lot of fun so hope you can make it.
Thanks: Major BSW
Tomorrow is also the Hanover Chamber of Commerce gathering. I am and need others to stay after match to do Cowboy demonstrations. Bring extra ammo and dress extra cowboy for this event.
Thanks: Major BSW

2nd Wednesday Match — October 9th, 2019 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — October 6th, 2019

Hello Cowboy Action Shooters

Well the weatherman lied, it didn’t even get as hot as he said. Just about a perfect day for shooting you could have. It could of only been better if Will Sonnet could of been there to enjoy it with us. He will surely be missed by all and I feel privileged to have known the man. We had a silent prayer today for him. Thank you Sassy and Cotton Connie for keeping us informed. We did manage to have thirteen shooters participate today with only two managing to shoot a clean match, Cockroach and Dude Slade which happened to be Dude’s first ever CAD match. Congratulations.

Thanks for all the help today:
Major BS Walker


Hello Cowboys and Cowboyetts
The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting their first Sunday of the month match this Sunday. Gates open at 8:30, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot at 10:00. The weather looks great for the match. Setup will be Saturday starting at 4:00 if you can help. Stages attached written be Ripsaw. Looking forward to seeing you there this Sunday.
Thanks: Major BSW

1st Sunday Match — October 6th, 2019 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — September 11th, 2019

Hello Cowboys & Cowgirls
The Cavalier Cowboys pulled off another great weather day today. With the fans and the shade on the left range, it really never felt that hot. We had nine shooters today and three CAD. That’s 33% folks. Those shooters were Myself, Timbuctwo Ranger and our newer shooter Bingo Montana. A special thank you to Smackwater for handling things until I could arrive from my Doctors appointment, Ripsaw for writing the match and not to forget thanks to all the guys there for all the work effort at the match today. Results are attached.
Thanks Again:
Major BSW

Hello All
With the warmer temperatures for Wednesday, I have been persuaded to change the stages to something with less set up and less movement. The new stages are attached.

Hello Everyone
With 90 degree temps. on Wednesday it will be Cowboy Casual for the match. Anything but open toed shoes.

Hello Gang
The Cavalier Cowboys will be having their 2nd Wednesday of the month match this Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019. Stages provided by Ripsaw. Gates open at 10:00, safety briefing at 11:45 and first shot down range at noon. Hope you can make this big target match.

2nd Wednesday Match — September 11th, 2019 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — September 1st, 2019

Hello Cowboys & Cowgirls
Sorry that I missed the match on Sunday but I was busy fending off other Silver Seniors at the state match. At no surprise,I hear everything went well and everyone had a good time. There were a few spectators yesterday and hopefully since I wasn’t there, they will come back. We had three clean shooters, Cockroach, Enid City Kid and Kuba Kid.
Thanks to everyone for running the match and doing the chores
Major BS Walker
Now Silver Senior State Champ

Hello Everyone
Even though people will be at the Bend Of Trail match in Roanoke, there is also a lot of shooters that aren’t going. So, the Cavalier Cowboys will be having their first Sunday of the month match this Sunday which happens to be September the 1st. Gates open at 8:30, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10:00. There will be a decent size crowd this Sunday so please feel free to come and join in. Stages are attached.
Good luck to the shooters at the State
Major BS Walker

1st Sunday Match — September 1st, 2019 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — August 14th, 2019

Hello everyone
Our second Wednesday match is now in the books. Unfortunally, we had no clean shooters today. What we did have were nine people having fun. Thank you Virginia Red Head for shooting with us for the first time today. Hope it is not the last and a shout out to Lefty exercising his new retirement with us today.
Thanks guys for all the help.
Thanks Again:
Major BSW

Hello Boys & Girls
The Cavalier Cowboys will be having their second Wednesday of the month match this Wednesday August 14, 2019. Gates open at 10 and first shot down range at noon. Stages provided by Mr. Cockroach. Don’t mess up a good day of shooting by going to work.
All are welcome
Major BSW

2nd Wednesday Match — August 14th, 2019 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — August 4th, 2019

Well I just got home from dinner. Salmon cakes, baked sweet potato and spoon bread, a truly southern boy meal. Now it’s time for some results. First of all,thanks for shooting with us today. The canopies and fans makes it all bearable. We had four clean shooters today, Lawman Mays, Lefty Spurmaker  Potter County Kid and myself. Everyone else is just SH out of LU. I would also like to send out a welcome to our new first match ever shooter, Bingo Montana. Everyone will start seeing him in the future if Cockroach didn’t scare him away. Also, a special thanks to Ripsaw for writing the match today and thanks to all for your help.
Results attached
Your Pard:
Major BS Walker

Hello Everyone
The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting their first Sunday of the month match this Sunday August 4th 2019. Gates open at 8:00, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10:00. Stages are provided by Mr. Ripsaw. Setup for the match will be on Saturday starting at 4:30. If you are in the neighborhood we could always use a little help. Don’t forget that the VA. State match is the end of August, just over 4 weeks away so get your registrations in ASAP.
Major BS Walker

1st Sunday Match — August 4th, 2019 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match — July 10th, 2019

Hello All
We shot a fun match today. Mr. Ripsaw stopped by and helped keep score. It was really nice to see him and to hear how well his healing is progressing. Hopefully Greywolf and Remo are progressing as well as Ripsaw. Our thoughts are with you all. We had no clean shooters today, just fun.

Hello Everyone
The Cavalier cowboys will be having their monthly Wednesday match this coming Wednesday July 10th. Great stages so don’t be shy and come and shoot. Gates open at 10:00 and first shot at 12:00.
Thanks All:

BS – Low target count Match for “Popeye”

2nd Wednesday Match — July 10th, 2019 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — July 7th, 2019

Sorry for the late scores but I had to honey do after I got home. If we could only of had a little breeze today it would of helped. Despite the warm temperatures, I think the match went really well. We only managed to have two clean shooters though. Those two lucky people were Ms.One Eyed Jane and Mr.Lawman Mays. Was really nice to see some KC’s folks stop on buy.The picnic afterword’s was the icing on the cake.
Thanks to Smackwater and Windhorse Rider for cooking it up. Thank you to all that attended for your work effort with all the help you provided  that is needed at a match. If you can manage it, we will shoot again this Wednesday starting at noon. Scores are attached.
Until we meet again:
Major BS Walker

Hello Boys and Girls
The Cavalier Cowboys will be having their first Sunday of the month match this Sunday July 7th. Gates open at 8:00, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10:00. Because of the heat, this will be a relaxed dress or Cowboy Casual match. This Sunday is also our annual 4th of July match so try to wear something patriotic and when we are done, we will be cooking on the grill so free food with paid participation. Just bring ammo and appetite. A cover dish would also be appreciated.
Stages attached
Ammo & Appetite Match
Major BS Walker

1st Sunday Match — July 7th, 2019 Read More »