Wednesday Matches

2nd Wednesday Match – July 10th, 2024

Hello Boys & Girls

 With the shade and fans, it kept the bite off of the heat. WE had seven shooters and one observer / future shooter take part. At the end of the day we had a 14.286 CAD shooter percentage rate. That means we had one CAD shooter and that being Mr. Tye Riverman. He also was the top overall shooter. Thanks for all the help with setup and teardown.Next Saturday you can Cowboy shoot with the Rivanna Rangers or the Pungo Posse. Results are linked below.
Thanks Pards:
Major BS

Match Results – Overall Winners by Time 7/10/2024

Just a reminder that the laid back bad guys at Cavalier are once again pulling out the fans for this Wednesday’s match July 10th. Gates open at 9:30 with first shot down range at 11:00. Cold water provided and the match will be Cowboy Casual, dress to stay cool. Stages linked below.

Major BSW

Match Stages – 07/10/2024

2nd Wednesday Match – July 10th, 2024 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – June 12th, 2024

Good Evening Ladies & Gentlemen

Well the crowd was massive and we had a 25% clean all day rate. What more could you ask for?  Maybe to be there to actually shoot the match today. We did have two want-to-be Cowboys show up today to observe their first match. I do believe they will be back because they both said they loved it. With those two extra people we managed to total up to six. Seven if you count me in when I showed up at the end to test out the new targets. So four Cowboys shot their hearts out today with Ripsaw taking all honors, first place overall, the only CAD shooter and he wrote the match. What’s up with that? He even made the new targets. Results are attached.
Major BSW

Match Results – Overall Winners by Time 6/12/2024

Just a reminder, the second Wednesday is just two days away so dust off your shootin irons and come on out. Gates open at 9:00 with first shot down range at 11:00 for those who like to sleep in. There’s some good shootin going on here. Take a look at the stages.

That Major BS fellow

Match Stages – 6/12/2024

2nd Wednesday Match – June 12th, 2024 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – May 8th, 2024

Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen

Eight hard headed cowboys started out today to conquer Cockroaches stages but it seems the stages did the conquering. We had No clean all day shooters among us. We did have fun as usual. Thanks for all the provided help today.
Major BS Walker

Match Results – Overall Winners by Time – 5/8/2024

Hello All

We got rained out today but we will not be rained out this Wednesday. This Wednesday May 8th is our second Wednesday of the month match at Cavalier. All hooky players are welcome. Gates open at 9:30 with first shot down range at 11:00. Stages linked below were provided by Mr. Cockroach.
See you Wednesday
That Major BS fellow

2nd Wednesday Match – May 8th, 2024 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – April 10th 2024

Hello all you Cowpokes out there,

Well we managed to shovel out a path to the firing line through the knee snow today so we could sling some lead. Seven of us hitched up our dog sleds and made the venture. Despite the blizzard conditions, Gentleman George overcame the obstacles and was our lone Clean All Day shooter. Results attached.
Major BSW

Match Results – Overall Winners by Time – 04/10/2024

Just a reminder to all my fellow Cowboy enthuses, The Cavalier crew are strapping on their shootin irons again this Wednesday April 10th. First shot down range at 11:00. Come on out and give it a go. Mr. Ripsaw has supplied the antics, attached.

See you Wednesday
Major BSW

2nd Wednesday Match – April 10th 2024 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – March 13, 2024


Hello cow people

Sorry for the late send out but I just got home from my truck service after the shoot. 
It may have been the 13th but what a lovely weather day to shoot a match. It was so lovely that Mr. Butch Montana stepped up to the plate and shot his first ever match. Hopefully the first of many more. I guess the 13th’s  ugly head showed itself anyway because not one person shot clean. Must of been from all the short starting lines. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Results linked below.
Thanks for all the help guys
Major BSW

Results – Overall Winners by Time 3/13/2024

Pro Tip:  Survey your shooting positions for possible prop hazards and areas for safe and efficient movement.  Give yourself the space you need to operate without interference from a prop!  You may just save yourself from a safety issue.  A few moments spent surveying the stage before the buzzer goes off can help you navigate the stage successfully.

As always please feel free to contact myself or B.S. for any questions about Cowboy Action Shooting or the Cavalier Cowboys.


Hello ALL

Since Saturday is a rain out, I decided to send out the reminder early that the Cavalier Cowboys are having their season opener, second Wednesday of the month match this Wednesday March 13th. First shot down range at 11:00 am. Come on out and play.
Antics supplied by Mr. Bingo and are linked below.
Speaking of attached, the 2024 State Championship Match registration form is now available here.  You can fill it out online, then print and mail. We are limited to the amount of shooters so please send in quickly.
Major BSW

Match Stages – 3/13/2024

2nd Wednesday Match – March 13, 2024 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – November 8th 2023

Hello Everyone

Cleanup on aisle three,what a mess. Or should I say miss. Nobody shot clean today. Thanks to the Old Goat for shagging brass all day. This was the last Wednesday match until March when they resume again. Fun, of course, was had by all.  Results linked below.
Thanks Gang:
Major BS

Match Results: Overall Winners by Time – Wed 11/08/2023

Hello all you lead slinging enthusiasts

The Cavalier crew finished one today and will be shooting again this Wednesday Nov. 8th. Gates open at 9:30 with first shot down range at 11:00. This will be our last second Wednesday of the month match for 2023. We do not shoot the second Wednesday’s in Dec., Jan and Feb. but will resume them in March 2024. Weather looks great for this Wednesday. Antics supplied by Mr. Ripsaw.
Major BS Walker

Match Stages – 11/08/2023

2nd Wednesday Match – November 8th 2023 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – June 14th 2023

Hello Peoples

We had six shooters manage to forge through the mud the blood and the beer to get here for the match. We all had fun, especially Ripsaw who was our only CAD shooter and overall winner. Remember KC’s shoots Saturday and The Sundowners shoot on Sunday. Next week is the State Black Powder Championship, Smoke on the Mattaponi.
Major BSW

Overall Winners by Time – Wednesday 6/14/2023

Hello all;you fine Folk’es

Come one come all and show your pride on how straight you can shoot. The laid back bad guys, or also known as the Cavalier Cowboys, are shooting their 2nd Wednesday of the month match this Wednesday June 14, 2023. Gates open at 9:30 with first shot down range at 11:00. Stages attached.
Thanks a bunch
Major BS Walker

Match Stages – Wednesday 6/14/2023

2nd Wednesday Match – June 14th 2023 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – May 10th 2023

Hello All

Was a beautiful day in the neighborhood but most of the neighbors were doing chores. We did manage to round up six work shirkers and played away. Mr. Gentleman George walked away with the only Clean All Day honors. Bud Lights were had by all. Results attached.
Major BS Walker

Overall Winners by Time – Wednesday May 10th

Howdy to Everyone out there in Cowboy land.

Well it’s the second Wednesday shoot time at Cavalier once again. Gates open at 9:00 with the first shot down range at 11:00. Take a look at the setup. Looks like there’s a whole lotta fun to be had.
Stages attached written by Mr. Ripsaw.
See you Wednesday
Major B.S. Walker, Esquire

2nd Wednesday Match – May 10th 2023 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – April 12th 2023

Hello Boys, Girls and undecided

80+ degrees and not a cloud to be had and 8 Cowboys slugging it out. Actually we were just laid back enjoying ourselves. Mr. Lefty and myself shot CAD. Next month is a whole different ball game. Everyone helped out immensely and we were in and out in no time. We had the honor of trying out some new targets today. Saturday is KC’s match and Sunday is Mattaponi’s match. Results linked below.
See you soon

Overall Winners by Time – Wednesday 4/12/2023

Stage 1 - Bingo Montana

Good Morning All

The Cavalier boys would like to welcome you to shoot this Wednesday’s April 12th match. Gates open at 9:30 with first shot down range at 11:00. Supposed to be sunny and about 80 degrees. Antics created by Mr. Bingo are attached.
See you Wednesday:
Major BSW

Match Stages – Wednesday April 12th 2023

2nd Wednesday Match – April 12th 2023 Read More »