
Pre-Match Announcement for our Sunday Dec. 3rd Match

Hi everyone!

I am happy to say that everyone is excited about our social. We have at least three cowboys cooking chili, and we will have cornbread and fixins, as well, maybe even some hot dogs for the chili dog lovers. We always have plenty of food,  so even if you aren’t able to bring something,  please join us. If you are looking for something to bring,  some people like crackers in their chili, or cheese and crackers are always good. Cookies or a little something sweet is usually a crowd pleaser.  The company is far more important than the food.  I am looking forward to seeing all of you!

Whiskey Mae

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

We will be sending out our standard match announcement and stages on Monday but wanted to get some info out to you ahead of that email.

As you know we always have a Cowboy Social after the match, where everyone brings their favorite snacks and drinks and we share these items and enjoy our cowboy family fellowship.

Well for this coming match on Dec 3rd., Whiskey Mae has issued a friendly challenge, as follows from her:

“Howdy, and I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I am sure thankful for all my cowboy friends.

How do y’all feel about chili and fixins for our December cowboy social? I know Stogie will make some chili,  send I think there are some others that would bring theirs, too. I will bring some cornbread, onions,  shredded cheese and corn chips.  We could have a friendly cowboy chili cook off.


Thanks all.
Whiskey Mae”

So, are there any other cowboys willing to except this challenge?

If there are, please contact Whiskey Mae directly, her email is above and coordinate this competition.

We have electricity available on the range, so slow cookers are a option for your chili and we have the gas grill with a side burner as another.

And regardless of  if your entering the cook off or not, everyone is invited to help judge the winners.

So, bring along your favorite drink, favorite snacks, and join us after the match for our Cowboy Social.

Safe Travels,


Pre-Match Announcement for our Sunday Dec. 3rd Match Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – November 8th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys held a “informal” cowboy match on 11/08/2017 and therefore there were no scores to be sent out.

Safe Travels,


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their monthly 2nd Wednesday match on November 8th, 2017.

The stages have been written by Major BS Walker and are attached in MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Stages 11-08-2017.pdf
Cavalier Stages 11-08-2017.docx

If the weather forecast becomes an issue, we will send out an update on Tuesday, but no news is good news meaning the match is good to go.

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
For our Wednesday Matches the match begins at Noon, 12:00pm, the gates will be open from 10:00am till 11:30am, registration will run from 10:30 until 11:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 11:45am.

Safe Travels,


2nd Wednesday Match – November 8th, 2017 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – November 5th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys held their 1st Sunday match today (11/05/2017) at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The weather wasn’t as sunny and warm as we were expecting but the shooting and fun sure made up for the misty conditions.

Congratulations to Stogie as the Top Overall Cowboy shooter today!!!

Congratulations to Kuba Kid, Major BS Walker, Mohawk Mac, Sassy Shooting Sours, and Will Sonnet as our Clean All Day Shooters!!!!

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

11-05-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
11-05-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Safe Travels,


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Sunday, November 5th, 2017 at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The stages have been written by me and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday November 5th 2017.docx
Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday November 5th 2017.pdf

The cold winter months are getting close, so let’s enjoy this great fall weather while we can.

Important Reminder!! – The “Fall Back” time change will occur this weekend Saturday night / Sunday Morning, so be sure to change your clocks before you go to bed so that you can make it to the match at the correct time.

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
1st Sunday Matches – For our Sunday Matches the match begins at 10:00am, the gates will be open from 8:00am till 9:30am, registration will run from 8:30 until 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45am.

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – November 5th, 2017 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – October 11th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys held their monthly 2nd Wednesday match today, 10/11/2017, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

10-11-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
10-11-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Congratulations to Major BS Walker the Top Overall Shooter and the only Clean All Day Shooter!!

Welcome Max Steel who has visited us several times but shot his first cowboy match today!!!!!!

Safe Travels,


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their monthly 2nd Wednesday Cowboy Match on October 11th, 2017.

The stages have been written by Major BS Walker and are attached in MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Stages 10-11-2017.docx
Cavalier Stages 10-11-2017.pdf

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
For our Wednesday Matches the match begins at Noon, 12:00pm, the gates will be open from 10:00am till 11:30am, registration will run from 10:30 until 11:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 11:45am.

Safe Travels,


2nd Wednesday Match – October 11th, 2017 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – October 1st, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys held their monthly 1st Sunday match today at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club. Not sure about the rest of you, but for me the summer just flew bye and we had a nice, all though little chilly, fall day for playing cowboy.

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

10-01-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
10-01-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Congratulations to Stogie as our Top Overall Shooter!!!!

Congratulations to Cotton Connie, Enid City Kid, Hotshod and Prairie City Slim as our Clean All Day Shooters!!!!

Safe Travels,


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Sunday, October 1st, 2017, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The weather forecast for Sunday looks good, if that changes we will send out an update on Friday but no news is good news.

We will be holding our usual Cowboy Social after the match and everyone is invited to join us.

The stages have been written by myself and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday Oct-01-2017.docx
Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday Oct-01-2017.pdf

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
1st Sunday Matches – For our Sunday Matches the match begins at 10:00am, the gates will be open from 8:00am till 9:30am, registration will run from 8:30 until 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45am.

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – October 1st, 2017 Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – September 13th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting again on Wednesday, September 13th, 2017, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The stages have been written by Major BS Walker and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Stages 09-13-17.docx
Cavalier Stages 09-13-17.pdf

The weather forecast for Wednesday looks good at this point, if it changes we will send out an update on Tuesday but no news is good news.

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
For our Wednesday Matches the match begins at Noon, 12:00pm, the gates will be open from 10:00am till 11:30am, registration will run from 10:30 until 11:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 11:45am.

Safe Travels,


2nd Wednesday Match – September 13th, 2017 Read More »

1st Sunday Match — September 3rd, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys held their monthly 1st Sunday match today at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club. The weather was great, the stages were fun and the turn out was a lot larger than we expected, another wonderful day playing cowboy.

The Clean All Day Shooters were Lefty Spurmaker, Mohawk Mac, Prairie City Slim and myself.

The Top Overall Shooter was myself.

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

09-03-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
09-03-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Safe Travels,


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Sunday, September 3rd, 2017, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club!!!

We have about 8 people who said they would be shooting on Sunday, so we are going to be running this match like our Wednesday matches, we will be doing setup on Sunday morning. We will start setup at 9:00 am and are going to need some help as most of our regular setup crew will be out shooting at the Virginia State match.

The stages have been written by Major BS Walker and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Stages 2017-09-03.docx
Cavalier Stages 2017-09-03.pdf

Good Luck and Shoot Clean goes out to everyone going to the Virginia State match!!!!

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
1st Sunday Matches – For our Sunday Matches the match begins at 10:00am, the gates will be open from 8:00am till 9:30am, registration will run from 8:30 until 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45am.

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match — September 3rd, 2017 Read More »

???? 1st Sunday Match for September ????

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

For the month of September, our 1st Sunday match is the same weekend as the Virginia State Championship Match and a good many of our regular shooters will be going to the State match.

The Virginia State Match is a great match and we encourage everyone who can go to shoot and support that match!!!!

But, if you can not go to the State match….

The question I have is, are there enough cowboy shooters not going to the State match who would like to shoot on Sunday, September 3rd at Cavalier?

Please let us know asap, if you would like to shoot at Cavalier on Sunday September 3rd.

Safe Travels,


???? 1st Sunday Match for September ???? Read More »

2nd Wednesday Match – August 9th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys held their monthly 2nd Wednesday match today, August 9th, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

Congratulations to Major BS Walker as our Top Overall Shooter!!

Congratulations to Ripsaw and Major BS Walker as our Clean All Day Shooters!!

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

08-09-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
08-09-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Welcome back to Fred the Farmer who came out and shot with us for awhile today.

And Howdy to our guests and visitors who stopped by to see what cowboy action shooting is all about.

Safe Travels,


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their monthly 2nd Wednesday match on August 9th, 2017 at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The weather forecast for Wednesday looks good, the dress code will be Standard Cowboy Dress. If anything changes we will send out an update on Tuesday but no news is good news.

The stages have been written by Cockroach and are attached in PDF format.


Please see the match information below or visit our web site at

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
For our Wednesday Matches the match begins at Noon, 12:00pm, the gates will be open from 10:00am till 11:30am, registration will run from 10:30 until 11:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 11:45am.

Safe Travels,


2nd Wednesday Match – August 9th, 2017 Read More »

1st Sunday Match – August 6th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys held their monthly 1st Sunday match today (08/06/2017) at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

Congratulations to Cody Maverick our Top Overall Shooter!!

Congratulations to Enid City Kid, Flatboat Bob, Kuba Kid, One Eyed Jane and Potter County Kid our Clean All Day Shooters!!

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

08-06-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf
08-06-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf

Safe Travels,


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their monthly 1st Sunday match on August 6th, 2017, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The stages for this Sunday have been written by Smackwater, his inaugural match as a match author. The stages are attached to this email in MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday August 6th 2017.docx
Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday August 6th 2017.pdf

The weather forecast for Sunday is looking good, so the dress code will be standard cowboy dress.  If the forecast changes for the worst, we will send out an update on Friday but no news is good news.

As we always do, there will be a Cowboy Social after the match, everyone is invited to join us lake side after the match.

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
1st Sunday Matches – For our Sunday Matches the match begins at 10:00am, the gates will be open from 8:00am till 9:30am, registration will run from 8:30 until 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45am.

Safe Travels,


1st Sunday Match – August 6th, 2017 Read More »