1st Sunday Match – March 5th 2023

Hello Fellow Fun Seekers

Twas March the 5th but the weather was more like late April or early May. Couldn’t ask for any better, sunny with just a slight breeze. Anyhow, five cowboys took advantage of that and shot CAD, clean all day. Congratulations to Walker Colt, Lefty Spurmaker, Bucksaw Bob, Potter County Kid, and the new guy shooting his first ever match, Mopor CC Rider. Mr. Mopor, hope you had a good time, We also had momma Ms.Dang Jenner and the boys back. Congrads to Mr. Walker Colt for taking the top honor and not to forget, A BIG  THANK YOU to everyone working like a well oiled machine. Results attached somewhere.
Thanks Again:
That Major BS Walker Feller

Overall Winners by Time – Sunday March 5th

Hello Sports Fans

The Cavalier Cowboys will be hosting their March Madness Match this Sunday, March 5, 2023. I call it March Madness because March is the restartup month for the second Wednesday of the month matches so let’s keep our fingers crossed for fair weather. Speaking of startup’s, the SASS Virginia State Championship registration forms and hotel bookings are now up on the website. We are held to a limited number so please register early. Just click  State Match on top bar at www.cavaliercowboys.org  The madness for Sunday is provided by Mr. Bingo with first shot down range at 10:00 am the usual time.
Setup for the match will be on Saturday starting at 3:00 pm
Major BSW

Match Stages – Sunday March 5th